The database table prefix is a string (a few characters long) prepended to the name of Joomla!'s tables. Using a prefix enables you to run multiple installations of Joomla! using a single database.

The database table prefix can be set during installation. Changing it later is possible, but requires access to the database through a non-Joomla medium or a Joomla Extension such as Akeeba Admin Tools and will cause some downtime.

Extension developers need to use the string j73172_ to represent the prefix. This will be replaced by the real prefix during runtime by Joomla.



Dr. Lisa Hübinger-Gallenkamp

Dermatologische Praxis

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Katrin Küppers

Katja Schöneweiß

Kerstin Nasemann

Sonia D’Amico

Anabell Lo Nero (Elternzeit)


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